Foreo ISSA Kids Mellow Yellow F9847



The FOREO ISSA Kids’ Sonic Toothbrush is suitable for ages 5 to 12. Designed to support better brushing habits, this toothbrush unites all the benefits of electric and manual versions. It is crafted from medical-grade, bacteria-resistant silicone. PBT bristles are effective on plaque but gentle on gums, while the built-in tongue and cheek cleanser promotes thorough mouthcare. Replaceable brush heads have a 6-month shelf-life. A built-in timer vibrates every 30 seconds, letting your little one know when to move to a new quadrant of the mouth. Plus, the sonic toothbrush is USB rechargeable, with a single charge lasting up to 265 days.


Elektryczne szczoteczki do zębów

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